Sunday, February 26, 2012

Carbon Emission

Nowadays, there are a lot of carbon emissions which are more than 30 years before. The emissions mostly coming from the Middle East and North Africa, because they are rich of oil and gas. These will effects every person and the average global citizen is two to 10 times. But, in the middle the emissions in the rich countries are much bigger than the poor countries. So, Qatar has the highest footprint globally and Palestinian has the smallest footprint. The inefficiency was the biggest reason in some countries. UAE started analyzing emissions and develop strategies by building a space that absorbs gases and monitoring their emission.

Abdul Rahman Rashid

Sunday, February 19, 2012

solar- power plant

Abu Dhabi started to work on new solar –power plant project by MASDER and Sener of Spain called Gemsolar .This is a new idea where the sun transfers the heat energy to molten salt .The energy of sun is reflected in huge mirrors and the molten salt is contained in a storage tank then is heated and is used to power a steam turbine. This is turn produces electricity. Before they did not use molten salt and so this is a revolutionary technology. The “heliostats” is the name of system which replaced the older version and the temperatures reflected are very high from the energy of the mirrors around the central tower. The large capacity of energy is enough to supply thousands of homes. The team built a separate control system when follows the sun. Each heliostat has a lot of complicated machinery around it and support.

The science behind Masdar's Spanish solar solution - The National. (n.d.). Latest and breaking news | - The National. Retrieved February 20, 2012, from

Tariq Nasser 

Khalid Al massabi

Abdulrahman Rashid